Linkedin Thought Leader Ads as Part of a Demand Gen Strategy

If you’re using thought leader ads, here are 4 ways to add them to your demand gen strategy:

  1. Add links to drive traffic to your desired pages

Thought leader ads don’t have links.

If you want to drive traffic to a desired page, you can add links in your posts, or add them in the comments

  1. Promote user-generated content

Thought leader ads are built so that most people don’t notice they’re actually ads.

Instead of saying that your company is great to work for or you do great results for your clients, let them create posts promoting you instead…then you promote those posts.

Now prospects learn about your brand directly from your customers instead of a picture in an ad.

  1. Collaborate with partners/customers in your posts from your company page

Let’s say you create a testimonial ad saying a customer recommends you.

Instead of just promoting the ad, you can:

➡️ Add the customer to your company page

➡️ Make a great post with a glowing recommendation

➡️ Sponsor the post as part of a retargeting strategy

Someone who’s benefitted from your company shares proof straight from the source.

Prospects will associate them with your brand and also trust you more because they saw the review firsthand.

  1. Sponsor posts that generate inbound leads

You can sponsor any post, but the best posts you should use are those that generated inbound leads, like: